A fitting tribute to Fred Bridge by his son Ryan.
I can hear Fred laughing like a little kid as he catches fish after fish on his “christmas tree rig”
We miss you Fred!
“My Dad told me that honest legacies are earned, never bought n paid for. I took an afternoon and visited his bench, which overlooks one of his favorite fishing spots: “The Hemlocks”. More than once, he and I pulled 80+ trout from that 100 yards of water, usually with other fly fisherman staring in awe. After his death, Muddy Creek Trout Unlimted honored my father’s love and respect for TU and that special place. It’s a legacy beyond that which he left within his kids love of fishing. It’s also MY favorite place. So if you’re ever there, say Hello and catch a few fish if you can! My dad is prolly sitting there cheering you on.”