Winter is winding down (I hope) and Spring is around the corner. It was evident after a 50 degree day and the first stocking of the C&RFFO area. In high and stained water seven dedicated volunteers floated 800 brown and rainbow trout the length of the fly area. These fish provided by the PF&BC ranged from 10”-14” and should provide some fine fishing this spring. Thanks to Fred Wilt for organizing the fl oat stocking that we all appreciate. Being my first time in chest waders this season I realized I had a leak in them…the big one at the top where the suspenders are. That’s right, I fell in!
Not much happened with the chapter over the winter beyond the typical business of raising trout at the nursery. They are coming along nicely, See the article by Fred Hess inside about our “lighthouse browns”. And lets not forget the fantastic volunteer effort each year of the streamside incubator program.
With bigger fi sh in the nursery we have a greater expense toward their rearing them, prices for feed went up and well, they eat more. So we have been scrambling for alternative ways to raise money and along comes our Lancaster Connection (Glenn Grimes, Jere Saxinger, John Kuhrman, Ric Horst and Barry Reinhart)with the donation of 7 Hand Crafted Fly Tying Storage boxes, they will make great auction items. Glenn Grimes also made us a couple more Shadow Boxes with hand tied flys in them. These items are real works of art. Consider purchasing them this spring to help with our fundraising efforts…